
Warehouse Space Larger Than Ever: Latin American Cargo Is Ready to Meet Distribution Needs

LAC Team


Updated: October 14, 2021

Latin American Cargo (LAC) has recently hit another milestone of a successful shipping company, having at its disposal more warehouse space ready for its clients than ever before. As businesses grow and develop in Latin America, especially near the Mexican-American border, the need for warehousing and distribution points have increased.

As the recent Business Development project of Latin American Cargo takes off there has been more and more need to expand their distribution system. The newly implemented Business Development aspect of LAC revolves around specialization in markets, and using that understanding, in this case of Latin America, and using that to help companies get ahead of the game in these areas. Not only is LAC able to promote, expand and secure their partners businesses in Mexico, Brazil and elsewhere, they are able to set up the most efficient distribution and shipping routes to bring goods where they need to go.

The new warehouses available to LAC are meant to simplify shipping and distribution of goods to points of sale. By having Latin American Cargo use its expertise to locate retailers, promote business with them as well as freighting goods to them, LAC can maximize the efficiency of its shipping routes and distribution points, saving everyone money and time. As the world speeds up due to new communication technologies and the cost of fuels rise, the ability to react quickly and cheaply is essential for a business to perform well.

Owner of LAC, Homero Herrera, says “We are proud to have come so far so fast” speaking about the success of the new Business Consulting service. He continued saying “We provide services to help our partners succeed. The benefits of making our company more efficient and prepared go directly to helping those we work with.”

Professionalism and dedication to service have been guiding principles of Latin American Cargo since its inception. These new warehouses will allow LAC to once again improve their services and serves as a testament to the efforts put in to make LAC such a specialized freighting service.

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